The chain of open-mic poets was only broken by the featured entertainment of the night: Jason Crane and THE POETS JAZZ TRIO.
Mr. Crane read a selection of moving and mind-provoking pieces (but ii was a little miffed when he informed none of what he read that night would be found between the pages of his chapbook, Unexpected Sunlight, a poetry collection ii had just purchased). However, because ii was so thoroughly enthralled by his words and the delivery, thereof, ii am more than happy with my newly-bought "jewel".
Not to be outdone by Jason Crane's natural ability to knit words together, the precise musical accompaniment by the remaining trio, Dan Wilcox and Tom Corrado, were a most appreciated enhancement to the poet's spoken words.
By the way, Mr. Wilcox was also the host and MC for the night and Mr. Corrado read a poem of his own during open mic.
photos/text (c) kvkhai 2010
all rights reserved
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